When we started Ugly Potters, our most important goal was to keep our friendship first. From our solid foundation, we can build a safe space to create, laugh, and make mistakes. As we grow, we'll bring others along with us - creating more room for play. 

Working with clay is a humbling process. Join us as things get delightfully ugly!

Maya (she/her)

Maya is a researcher turned entrepreneur who loves writing cheeky stories, giggling, and pulling handles. Originally from Toronto, Maya has called Vancouver home since 2015. She is passionate about functional pottery that feels as good to hold as it does to make. Her quirky and playful designs honour her pottery roots - making a big 'ol mess at summer camp. 

Ashley (she/her)

Ashley is an architect with an eye for sass. She hails from Texas, but her true love for the outdoors pulled her north, and has happily lived in Vancouver for over 8 years with her partner and dog. When she's not making buildings or splashing in the water from dragon boat racing, she is getting down and dirty with clay and glaze. She has over 8 years of working with clay with a focus on bringing humour into her pieces.